Bhubaneswar: The Odisha chief secretary, AP Padhi, Wednesday said that the several proposals intended by investors during the Make-in-Odisha Conclave and road shows at Mumbai and Bangaluru have progressed satisfactorily. According to him about 60% of the intents have been converted into concrete proposals.
“About 60% of these intents have been converted to specific investment proposals,” Padhi said after reviewing progress of projects. Out of 124 investment intents received during the road shows and Make-in-Odisha conclave, as many as 50 projects of a total investment of Rs1,23,760 crore have already been accorded approval through State Level Single Window Clearance Authority (SLSWCA), 5 other projects have been accorded approval by respective departments and authorities, Padhi said. According to him the 50 project would generate employment opportunity for around 95,235 persons, he said.
The approved projects are mostly in seven different sectors like Food Processing, Petro-chemicals, Chemicals & Plastics, Infrastructure & Logistics, Power & Renewable Energy, Tourism, Health Care and other sectors.
The Wednesday review meeting discussed about the proposals of beach sand project by Saraf Industries, aluminium refinery of L&T, breweries of Sense Infra, LPG bottling plant of HPCL and refinery expansion of IOCL. These proposals after approval would add another Rs 66,356 crore of investment with employment potential of 7,418 persons.