Naraj(Cuttack): Sixteen students were conferred with gold medals and 354 students, including 152 postgraduates and 202 undergraduaon, were handed over degrees on the occasion of the 6th Convocation of the Sri Sri University, here on Thursday.

The University gold medalists of this year are Vanita Srivastava (M.A. Yoga), Grishma Raj Aryal (M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication), Manojit Panda (M.A. Good Governance and Public Policy), Dr. PrajaktaKaduKadam,(M.Sc. Osteopathy), PrajwalGodha(BBA), Chinmayee Choudhury (B.Com.), ItishreeParija (B.Com. (Retail Management)), YashSinghal (B.Com. (Travel and Tourism Management), G Kushali (B.A. Yoga), Daisy Sharma (Bachelor of Performing Arts (Odissi). Apart from these students, Michelle Dhawan, SawantSukanyaSudhakar, GunjanChirania, Pooja ArvindbhaiPansuriya, BhavikKanotiya, AmritkarUmesh Suresh were awarded gold medals for different specializations in MBA. A Research Scholar PrafullaPadhi was awarded Doctorate Degree at the Convocation.
Four persons were awardedPrestigious Honorary Doctorate Honoris Causa Degree. They were Parmeshwar Nath Mishra, an eminent lawyer who is currently appearing in Ram Jama Bhoomi-Babri Masjid case, D.K. Hari, research scholar and author on Bharat Gyan, D.K. Hema Hari, researcher and Author, and Shriram Murlidhar Chauthaiwala, Vedic mathematician.
Addressing the Convocation from Mongolia, the founder and lifetime president of the University Sri Ravishankar said that there is a need for an international study on mediation and conflict resolution which is the need of the hour. Emphasising on entrepreneurship, he said that ones those are ahead of time are creators and the ones who are on time are manager.
The Convocation was graced by State health minister Naba Kishore Das, National Board of Accreditation chairman Prof. K.K. Aggarwal, Sri Sri University president Rajita Kulkarni, vice chancellor Prof. Ajay Kr. Singh, and executive registrar GhanashyamOjha.