Konark: Danseuses from Indonesia presented the most exiting Sita Harana episode of epic Ramyana through a fusion of Balinese and Odissi dances on the second day of the five-day Konark Festival 2019, here on Monday.

Artistes of Sinjan Nrutalaya of Kolkata presented Surya Struti in Odisssi under the tutelage of Guru Aloka Kanungo.

The second day evening programme was inaugurated by school and mass education minister Samir Ranjan Dash. tourism secretary Visahal Dev, culture director Bijaya Nayak, information and public relation director Krupasindhu Mishra, tourism director Sachin Rama Chandra Yadav and Odisha Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC) Hemakanta Sai graced the occasion.

The programme was conducted by Sadhana Srivastava, Sangita Gosain, Bijaya Kumar Jena, Utpal Pati, Ratikanta Patnaik, Mrutunjaya Rath and Saroj Pradhan.