Bhubaneswar: SAI Cloud School 3.0; flagship online learning platform of SAI International Education Group, achieved another proud milestone, in continued process of innovation, it launched SAI Cloud 3.0 on Friday.
After two days of rigorous digital training of teachers and support staff, it was opened for the students as the school reopened after the summer break on Thursday.
Edutech team have been working relentlessly, to continue the seamless learning of the students and make it as real as possible. The team has been constantly researching and innovating, to not only adapt to the evolving situation, but pave the way forward for learning. Within no time the team
devised a new method through the ERP solution of SAI Academic Management System (SAMS) that helped in creating SAI Cloud School, a new normal for learning.
The flagship learning platform, SAI Cloud School 1.0 was introduced on Utkal Divas, SAI Cloud School 2.0 was launched in May and the 3.0 version of the same was launched on the auspicious occasion of Ratha Yatra.
SAI Cloud School 3.0 encompasses both Scholastic and co-Scholastic classes, including subjective and objective assessment, learning content both online and offline for the benefit of the students.
For an uninterrupted and meaningful learning of the students, the education group has created a user friendly and enriching interface in SAMS.
The Chairman’s Club Classes are held every Saturday for the members of
the esteemed club, wherein the Founder, SAI International Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo mentors the student. Battling all odds, the school management under the leadership of Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, founder
and mentor, SAI International Education Group, began to chart the uncharted course more strongly than ever before, to ensure that the learning continues unabated and in a meaningful way.
Dr.Sahoo, left no
stone unturned to boost the morale of the SAI International family, to stand tall with a newfound confidence, fervor and team spirit. In no time, SAI International rose quickly to the occasion, and ensured the continuity of learning through SAI Cloud School. Almost instantaneously, the process of turning each home into a school was initiated by soliciting the support of the parents.