New Delhi:Piyus Goel, who has been elevated to the cabinet rank, has got the railway portfolio while the three top cabinet ministers, Arun Jaitley, Sushma Swaraj and Rajnath Singdeo are going to retain their portfolios. The portfolios of other ministers including the nine 9 new ministers would be announced soon.
The prime minister, Narendra Modi, Sunday elevated four of his junior ministers to the rank of cabinet ranks while inducting 9 new ministers in to his cainent.
Petroleum minister Dharmendra Pradahn, Coal & Power minister Piyus Goel, Commerce and Industries minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Minority Affairs minister Muktar Abbas Naqvi were promoted to the rank of cabinet. The 9 new ministers are former union home secretary RK Singh, former diplomat Hardeep Puri, former Kerela cadre IAS officer KJ Alphons Kannanthanam, former IPS officer Satyapal Singh , Shiva Prasad Sukla, Virendra Kumar, Gajendra Singh Sekhawat, , Ashwini Choubey and Anant Kumar Hegde.