Rourkela: The Rourkela Steel Plant(RSP) set a new record in hot metal production with tapping 11,395 tonnes hot metal from two blast furances on a single day on Tuesday.
” This is the highest production in the Plant with two furnace operation for any single day”, said a Plant press release adding, “Out of this, Blast Furnace-1 produced 3194 tonnes while Blast Furnace-5 made 8201 tonnes.
Eearlier on 17th November the Blast Furnace duo had produced 11,111 tonnes of hot metal in which BF- 5 contributed 7942 tonnes while BF-1 had produced 3169 tonnes of hot metal.
This month had been quite an eventful one for BF-1 which has been continuously producing more than 3000 tons of hot metal since 8th November, whereas its average production capacity for a day is 2900 tons. On 11th November BF-1 produced 3415 tons of hot metal which is its highest production performance.
Earlier, with two furnace operations of BF-4 and BF-5, production of more than 11000 tonnes per day was achieved twice on 26th April 2018 and 4th January 2018.
The RSP CEO Dipak Chattaraj has congratulated the senior executives of the Blast Furnace department for the feat.