Hyderabad: NMDC has launched a.massive campaign to prevent the spread of the deadly Coronavirus. It is implementing various preventive measures for the 5500 employees and 20,000 family members at the headquarters, plants and offices to protect the employees and their families against the spread of CORONA virus (COVID-19).
NMDC has urged its employees, stakeholders and their family members to observe ‘Janata Curfew’ on Sunday as suggested by prime minister Narendra Modi.
NMDC has implemented the preventive measures in office premises like thermal screening of temperature of all employees at the entrance, providing masks and sanitizer s to sanitation and security personnel, and restriction on entry of visitors. A massive awareness campaigns has been launched using visual communications like display of banners, posters, hoardings, electronic boards at offices and plants premises in headquarters, Bailadila iron ore mines, Steel Plant at Nagarnar (Chhattisgarh), Donimalai iron ore mines and plant (Karnataka) and Diamond Mining Project (Panna in Madhya Pradesh).
NMDC is also promoting social distancing among employees and the employees are being advised to have their breakfast/ lunch/ tea at their own tables for the next few weeks. The gyms and sport rooms have been shut down till further instructions.
A NMDC spokesperson said, ” As instructed by the Government of India, the working hours of all employees are being staggered, so that to avoid mass gatherings at the time of reporting and closing of duty. NMDC has also drafted daily and weekly roaster for employees. All meetings are being avoided and if required, meetings are conducted by web or video conference. “