Bhubaneswar: “Work in team with district administration and lay collaborative base of your career during your days in divisions and districts”, advised chief secretary Asit Tripathy to the Indian Forest Service probationers when the later came to meet him in the State Lokseba Bhawan Tuesday afternoon.
Sharing his field experiences with the probationers, Tripathy added, Odisha is an excellent State for forest officers to work and learn. The State has wider stretches of forest with rich biodiversity. Community participation in forest management is a best practice of Odisha; and, it is the strength of forest conservation and improvement in the State”.
Further, he said, “Community participation is becomes more lively and effective when added with other developmental schemes of the government routed through collectors and superintendents of police”.

He advised the officers to feel themselves a part of the district administration. He added, “Many forest officers of the State have done excellent works during emergencies and exigencies in close cooperation with other departments. Their services have also been very helpful in ongoing health emergency of Covid-19”.
Tripathy emphasized that the forest officers can serve the forest and the forest dwellers better in active cooperation with other departments.
Two probationers namely Ravi Meena from Rajasthan and Sudarshan Yadhav from Maharashtra under the guidance of additional commissioner, Gopobandhu Academy of Administration, HB Panda met the chief secretary. Meena has been posted to Angul Forest Division and Yadhav has been posted to Baripada forest division. They will shortly move to their respective areas after one week training in Gopabandhu Academy of Administration, Bhubaneswar.