Bhubaneswar: The department for promotion of industry and internal trade (DPIIT) of government of India has applauded Oldisha as a performing State in many programmes including Cabinet Committee Investment (CCI) Projects. The CCI Project Monitoring Group led by DPIIT secretary Guruprasad Mohapatra has said, “This committee helps both the project proponents and the people through expeditious implementation of the projects. The interstate issues relating to the projects are also resolved in meetings of this committee”.
Chairing the meeting held in here on Friday, chief secretary Suresh Chandra Mohapatra said, “this joint exercise has been very fruitful and there has been substantial progress in implementation of the projects. Mohapatra further added, “The ground level problems faced in one sector differs from the other. The progress and problems of each individual project are discussed and resolved through joint effort”. Mohapatra directed the project proponents and the implanting departments to keep pace with time lines set against different phases of the projects.
The committee reviewed the progress of eight major projects envisaging investment of around Rs.26,620 crore. These included four railway, two national highway, one power and one oil & gas projects. Around forty two issues relating to forest clearance, compensatory aforestation, tree felling, disbursement of compensation wards, right of way were discussed and resolved. Chief secretary Mohapatra set timelines against different tasks of the projects. The railway projects included Khurda–Bolangir new broad gauge rail link (289KM), 4th rail line between Budhapank- Salegaon (170 km), 3rd line between Vizianagaram – Sambalpur (Titlagrh 264.6KM), and 3rd line between Rourkela-Jharsuguda (101 KM). The reviewed road projects included Angul- Sambalpur toll road project, and, Singara –Binjabahal section of NH-6. The power sector project was Darlipalli STPP stage-I (2X800 MW), and, the project from oil & gas was Paradip-Hyderabad product pipeline project.
Development commissioner Pradeep Kumar Jena and additional chief secretary forest and environment Dr Mona Sharma participated in the discussion. Principal secretary industry Hemant Sharma outlined the project wise issues and updates for deliberation. The meeting was connected with PMG office and concerned districts through VC from where officers from PMG and collectors from the districts participated.