Bhubaneswar: National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), the NavratnaCPSE, under Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India celebrated its 42nd Foundation Day in a hybridmode at Nalco Corporate Office, Bhubaneswar on 7th January. Shri Sridhar Patra, Chairman-cumManaging Director of the Company, and the functional Directors Shri M.P. Mishra, Director(P&T) & Director (Finance)-Additional Charge, Shri B.K. Das, Director (Production) & Director(Commercial)-Additional Charge and Shri Somanath Hansdah, Chief Vigilance Officer, addressedthe employees on the occasion. The event also witnessed the presentation of the much awaited NALCO awards to renowned andeminent personalities for their significant achievements in respective fields with the objective ofpromoting literature and culture. This year the NALCO Kalidas Samman was conferred uponwell-known spiritual thinker and writer Dr. Chandra Bhanu Satpathy. Renowned Odissi DancerPadmashri Aruna Mohanty was bestowed with the NALCO Kharavela Award in Odissi DanceGuru Category. Ms. Mamata Ojha and Shri Harekrushna Dhall were both presented with theNALCO Kharavela Award in Odissi Dancer category.Addressing the employees and stakeholders of the Company, Shri Sridhar Patra, CMD,appreciated the dedication and hard work of the employees and unstinted support of otherstakeholders which has resulted in optimization of production and productivity, particularlyduring COVID 19 pandemic. He also emphasized the importance of keeping a healthy work-lifebalance and maintaining a positive mindset during adverse conditions and challenging times. “NALCO’s successful journey from a modest investment way back in early eighties to aleadership position has always been based on the mantra of 5P i.e focus on Production, Planet,People, Productivity and Profit”. I am optimistic that with the ongoing growth plans and strategicinitiatives coupled with dedication, discipline and determination of employees, NALCO will riseto the next level of business excellence in the days ahead, added Shri Patra.The entire event was streamed online with minimum physical participation, adhering to allCOVID-19 guidelines.
Nalco Kharavela and Kalidas awards presented at the 42nd Foundation Day