Berhampur: TPSODL has taken another step towards the empowerment of stakeholders. The company has unveiled a new mobile application designed for updating Geographical Information System (GIS).

The GIS mobile app boasts a range of features designed to update GIS database on real-time basis. Users can easily search for assets based on address, asset code, work ID, or location.
Users can easily search for assets based on address, asset code, work ID, or location. User can select one or multiple GIS layers like transmission network, land base, or distribution network to update/report asset/field conditions without cluttering the screen with too many details., The real-time redlining feature enables the seamless incorporation of proposed changes using GE Small World database and symbology, encompassing existing HV, MV, or LT network modifications, as well as the addition of new assets like poles, transformers, service lines, buildings, and structures. Additionally, the app provides efficient navigation and routing options on Google Maps, allowing users to measure distances between two or multiple locations.
“GIS is a constantly evolving platform that requires frequent updates to maintain its effectiveness. With ongoing changes in the land base, network expansions, and the addition of new consumers, keeping the GIS database up-to-date is essential. Our new mobile application simplifies data sustenance, and we are thrilled to provide this empowering tool to our dedicated employees” said Amit Garg, CEO of TPSODL
The GIS mobile app also aids maintenance teams in recording field survey observations, such as sagging in lines, tilted structures, missing Lightening Arrester, or isolator blades need to be replaced etc. These records will play a vital role in planning maintenance activities for those specific assets which will bring in efficiency and reliability.
The introduction of this new GIS mobile app reinforces TPSODL’s commitment to embrace technological advancements to elevate its power distribution services, enhance efficiency, and ensure data accuracy, ultimately contributing to an improved consumer experience. The company is dedicated to innovation and continuous improvement in alignment with its mission to deliver reliable and high-quality power supply to the Southern Odisha region.