Bhubaneswar: ‘PinkPrint’ InternationalConference of Women Architects, which concluded Sunday, proved to be a transformative platform for the celebration and empowerment of women architects from across the globe. Hosted by the Indian Institute ofArchitects (IIA), Odisha Chapter, this one-of-a-kind international event brought together anexceptional lineup of speakers who shared their invaluable experiences, innovative ideas, andinspiring stories.

The conference stands as a testament to the vital contributions and influence of women in the field of architecture, highlighting both their achievements and the unique challengesthey face. The conference ସବର୍ଣ୍ଣ thought-provoking presentations from over 50 distinguished architects from acrossthe globe, including Ar. Diana Kellogg from New York, USA, Ar. Shamini Shanker from Jaipur, Ar. ParulZaveri from Ahmedabad, Ar. Acharawan Chutarat from Thailand, Ar. Aarti Grover from New Delhi, Ar.Tarini Mukherji from New Delhi, Ar. Poonam Verma from Goa; Their engaging sessions attracted architects from India, Odisha, and beyond, creating a vibrant atmosphere of knowledge exchange,networking, and empowerment.
The audience, which also included architecture students fromvarious institutions across Odisha, was captivated by the stories of resilience, creativity, andtransformation shared by these global luminaries. The conference explored a range of topics that emphasized innovation, culturalheritage, and social impact within architecture. Discussions delved into themes such as reconnectingwith cultural roots in contemporary design practices, understanding architecture’s broader societalimplications, redefining educational approaches in architecture, celebrating individuality andidentity, and addressing pressing global challenges with bold architectural solutions. The conference not only underscored the influence of women architects but also highlighted their ability to drive meaningful change and set new benchmarks in the industry.One of the standout themes was the exploration of sustainable and futuristic designsolutions, emphasizing the need to adapt architectural practices to address pressing global issuessuch as environmental sustainability and social equity. The speakers inspired attendees with their stories of overcoming obstacles, pioneering innovative projects, and building inclusive architecturalcommunities.The PinkPrint conference reinforced its mission to celebrate, empower, and amplify the voices of women architects while fostering an inclusive and collaborative space for architectural discourse.
The interactions and conversations are expected to leave a profound andlasting impact on the participants, inspiring them to push boundaries, break stereotypes, and createmeaningful change within the architectural landscap.
The conference promises to be a beacon of progress and a catalyst for conversationsthat redefine the architectural profession’s future while shining a light on the contributions of women architects of the world.