Rourkela: The Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has moved ahead with its ‘Mission 3500’ initiatives to reduce the production cost of saleable steel by Rs 3,500 per tonne. The Plant aimed at another round of modernisation and expansion by convincing the stake holders through ‘Mission 3500’.
A ‘Mission 3500-Cost Reduction Workshop’ was organised in the plant to formulate strategies to reduce the production cost. Addressing the workshop, held on Wedensday, the RSP CEO Dipak Chattaraj said, “Let’s create the confidence amongst our stake holders that we deserve another round of modernisation and expansion.”. It was attended by ED (P & A) Raj Vir Singh, ED (Works) Gautam Banerjee, chief general managers and many HODs and other senior officers of the Plant.
As a part of the initiative, executives from different units were grouped into teams. The teams formulated strategies by focusing on the technical levels so as to improve the techno-economic parameters and ultimately achieve the holistic goal of cost reduction. In the concluding session, the teams presented their action plans and elaborated about the detailed road map to achieve their targets.
Chattaraj interacted with the teams concerned regarding effective implementations of the suggestions and bringing in further improvements in certain areas. He also stressed on reviewing the progress of the implementation of the suggestions discussed in the forum every month. The CEO emphasised upon optimum and judicious use of resources, elimination of wastage, improvement in techno-economics, effective use of technologies and enhancing production of value added products. He also urged the departments to work in cohesion to plug the shortfalls and increase efficiency. The deputy manager (F&A) Harish Agarwal, coordinated the programme.