Bhubaneswar: Xavier School of Rural Management (XSRM) hosted its annual Rural Living and Learning Experience Mela (RLIE) in Xavier city campus, here on Friday.

Xavier University Bhubaneswar(XUB) deputy registrar Fr. S Antony Raj inaugurated the one-day affair which was visited by nearby community besides XUB faculty and students.
This year the Mela had 25 stalls, where students displayed a plethora of varied aspects of the rural life. Dressed in their respective village attires, the students showcased a gamut of unique artifacts, food habits, developmental activities, photos, and models.
The stall put up by Odisha team comprising of Abhishek Tipathy,ShuvamMohanty, Pragyan Mohanty and Sonam Nayak was adjudged as the best team while team of Bihar and Maharasthra were the runner-ups.
The Mela is, in fact, a culmination of a month and half experiences gained by the students by staying in villages and interacting with the village trading communities from November 19,2018. The School tied up with Tata Trust, PSI,
Gram Vikas, ParivarVikas, IBTADA, BAIF, Unnati, MYRADA, SODHANA, WOTR, SevaMandir, NERCOMP, TRIWE, KNA-SETU, Sunbird Trust, Foundation for Ecological Survey, SGF, Shikhya, FARF, Access Development Services, RCHSS, were part of the RLLE program.